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When using stainless and duplex steels, ASTM G48 is widely used to ensure the quality of the material and resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. ASTM G 48 is a relatively severe test, but lack of definition in the standard can lead to variation of data. We follow a standard practice we have developed to minimize these variations and provide consistent data. However, the G48 test is meant for ranking or qualification, and not as designed for determining a corrosion rate over time.

There are 6 Methods: A and B are for qualification of alloys to pitting and crevice corrosion at specific temperatures, C and D are for determining the critical pitting and crevice corrosion temperatures of chromium and nickel alloys, and E and F are for duplex stainless steel&stainless alloys.

Evaluation of pitting & crevice corrosion is conducted on Stereo Microscope.

We also conduct pitting corrosion test as per ASTM A923 Method C.